Ear We Are

After a first album as a duet (“Hand in Hand”, 2018) and more than 70 concerts across Europe, Ivan Paduart and Patrick Deltenre are back with “Ear we Are”, twelve original compositions that breathe lyricism, complicity and inventiveness.

They recorded a first album entitled “Hand in Hand” (Mons Record) with which they toured in Belgium and abroad. But their involvement goes back more than 30 years, it is notably on the album “Sensory Illusions” by Ivan Paduart, published in 1993, that they first recorded together.

This second album, “Ear we Are”, could have been called “Back To Roots”, as Ivan Paduart confirms: “First, because after many musical experiences in all possible formats, thirty years after our first meeting, it symbolizes a return to simplicity, to the most stripped down form of music; the meeting of two instruments spontaneously interacting with each other, without artifice or a safety net. Then because it marks a return to the first label for which we had recorded together in an acoustic format.”

Hand in hand

A guitar, a piano… Two inspired soloists, amongst the best in Belgium, play their compositions with an obvious complicity.


quintindujarin_ivanpaduart_catharsis_albumPassionate about writing, Ivan Paduart & Quentin Dujardin create finely crafted lines that feature their own universes, the pianist’s jazz world and the unclassifiable style of the guitarist. Their desire to further pursue this adventure now leads them to record this new album, Catharsis alongside Manu Katché,Richard Bona, Olivier Ker Ourio and Bert Joris – artists that don’t need introduction – they have created a work that will delight many ears.


quintindujarin_ivanpaduart_catharsis_albumPassionate about writing, Ivan Paduart & Quentin Dujardin create finely crafted lines that feature their own universes, the pianist’s jazz world and the unclassifiable style of the guitarist. Their desire to further pursue this adventure now leads them to record this new album, Catharsis alongside Manu Katché, Richard Bona, Olivier Ker Ourio and Bert Joris – artists that don’t need introduction – they have created a work that will delight many ears.

Folies douces

The album FOLIES DOUCES featuring Richard Galliano, Philippe Aerts, Chris Joris & Bruno Castelucci has been re-issued by the Belgium recordlabel Igloo.


Ivan heeft met zijn kompanen Philippe Aerts (b) en Hans van Oosterhout (dr) een nieuw trio album opgenomen met negen nieuwe composities getiteld ‘Enivrance.
Het album zal in het najaar van 2015 worden uitgebracht.



In december Ivan together with Philippe Aerts (bass) and Hans Van Oosterhout (drums) recorded a brand new trio album with 9 own compositions titled “Enivrance”.

The album ‘Enivrance’ (Mons Records) has been released in September 2015.
